As the forum owner, you can assign new moderators from your live site. Having moderators is a great way to increase engagement and grow your community.
There are certain actions that only forum owners and moderators are allowed to do on Wix Forum. They can block users, move posts from one category to another, and delete posts.
Assigning moderators to your forum is an effective way to keep content organized and maintain a positive environment. Moderators help manage user interactions and ensure smooth operation by handling posts and user behavior. For more tips on managing your forum, check out
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred - Top 6 Unique Items for Spiritborn BuildAsDiablo IV Items continues to expand its universe, the Vessel of Hatred expansion has introduced exciting new features, bosses, and gear that keep players engaged. Among the most notable developments is the Spiritborn build, which harnesses ethereal and spirit-based abilities, making it a powerful force in combat for both solo players and group scenarios. In this guide, we will explore the top six Unique items essential for optimizing the Spiritborn build, detailing how each item synergizes with this playstyle and enhances overall performance.